There’s a triple-A shooter due out next week and we all know what that means: it’s time to discuss paying more money for expansion content before the game’s even out.
Leading things off will be two free updates. In April, the Incursions update will add squad-based endgame content that will set players against difficult enemies for high-end loot. (I’m guessing this is basically a horde mode.) May will bring the Conflict update, bringing more features to the Dark Zone and “an incursion into New York’s Columbus Circle.” And you can obviously expect new daily and weekly missions and public games throughout the game’s lifespan.
Then there’s the paid stuff! In June, players will be sent to hunt enemies in new areas of the tunnels and subways under Manhattan. Survival will come later in the summer, challenging you to survive a hostile environment while gathering supplies. Whether that’s hostile in a Long Dark sense or a shooter sense is as yet unclear. Last Stand, the winter expansion, promises to challenge players ”with a new, relentless threat,” and seems to involve some tower-defense elements.
The Division is due out March 8. Folks who buy into the $100 Gold Edition will get the Season Pass content as it’s released.