We all love a good explosion, right? Of the digital kind, at least. We love seeing pretty pixels blow up into flashes of red and orange and scatter debris in a clever display of physics tech. It's just how we are. Amplitude love that too, so Endless Space 2 now has more of it.
Through a free update released today titled 'Target Locked', your space battles are about to get lot more destructive.
Somehow turning the far-future setting of Endless Space into something that sounds like a World War II strategy title, they've implemented two new ship classes apparently requested by the community for quite some time - Fighters and Bombers.
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The idea is that these smaller ships will zoom around massive cruiser ships and nibble away at their colossal hulls like a park of piranha looking for a good meal. Each battle should contain an undisclosed higher number of explosions, more planet destruction cinematics, tactical cards and the re-introduction of the 'Pirate' from the original Endless Space.
There may be no sound in space, but we can imagine the medium wouldn't have grown to be so beloved if we stuck to that rule. So, keeping up with that deviation, here's a trailer full of noisy space explosions. Oh, and there's 25% off on Steam for a limited time.