South Koreans won't be the only players getting a little more Titanfall in due time, as Respawn Entertainment outs 'Live Fire' mode for Titanfall 2.
Billed as a quick-fire set of rounds, Live Fire will take the titans and the falls out of Titanfall to make it into your average team-based shooter for 5 rounds of 1-minute bouts.
There's no due-date in mind just yet, but the team's blog post made note of how the next leg of content is "coming soon" with mention of the official development roadmap becoming available in due time; just so we'll have a rough idea of what to expect over the life-span of one of last year's sleeper hits. Expect a few more maps of the original Titanfall to make a grand re-appearance in the coming months, too.
Why introduce this post with word of South Korea? Gaming portal Nexon is bringing Titanfall to the multiplayer gaming nation
Going back to the more recent announcements, Live Fire rounds will switch off respawns and can be won in one of two ways - eliminating the opposing team's 5-man squad or being in possession of a neutral flag once the round times strikes zero. Other than that, expect new maps - namely the Coliseum - new executions, introductions and a quick redesign of the entire playlist interface.
It may not have had the start EA or Respawn wanted, but the publicity generated from the game's single-player mode seemed to bode well with the early price reduction when it came to assuring Titanfall 2 survived the holiday release schedule. There's a lot of life left in it yet; but there's a few less Titans for now.