Now presumably an annual event, the Sonnstill Pub Crawl returns to Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide.
Taking a leaf from Team Fortress 2, last year's event gave players who logged in during the celebration week a few new hats to adorn their rat-killing heads.
While the official announcement makes mention of new Seasonal Headgear for all, the comments seem to suggest that they're 1. not yet been implemented 2. Accidentally missing from the update or 3. Actually the same hats as last year.
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Patch 1.8.3 Introduces Contracts For Last Month's Stromdorf Maps
Either way, Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide has received a plethora of new updates over the year, meaning there's a good chance current players weren't around to celebrate last year. For them, and anyone else who missed them, it's a second chance to grab these timed-exclusive garbs.
You can pick up your new headpieces from Lohner at the Red Moon Inn. The post makes mention of some audible changes, too, with a character being patched to be a bit more talkative at a later date.
If you've yet to pick up the game, there's a good chance it'll be part of the Steam Summer Sale starting this evening.