Sooner or later, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord tasks you with capturing cities and villages to expand your influence across Calradia. But while managing them is vital to keeping your empire going, the base game comes with only a limited set of options.
Enter the Settlement Finances mod, which lets you more actively choose how your cities and villages contribute to your Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord clan.
Bannerlord’s Settlement Finances mod introduces banks to all the major cities across Calradia, letting you withdraw and deposit money but also take loans for moments when you can’t quite afford that shiny sword you badly want.
</p>Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Settlement Finances Mod
Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord’s Settlement Finances mod also lets you decide if villages under your control should sell their produce or keep it.
Gathering enough loyalty in a city (and keeping enough muscle around) also lets you increase the rent paid by inhabitants, while caravans automatically start rebuilding themselves in the city they arrive at once a captured leader is released.
Overall, Bannerlord’s Settlement Finances mod gives you considerably more control when it comes to managing your cities and villages, while also opening new avenues for earning more denars. You can grab it from Nexus Mods.
For more ways to enhance your time in Calradia, check out our list of the best Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord mods.
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