There are hundreds of Penance achievements to earn in Warhammer 40,000 Darktide, many with unique cosmetics as a reward.
One in the Chamber is perhaps one of the most confusing achievements to earn, and there are several opinions of what it asks for. This guide covers how to get One in the Chamber Sharpshooter Penance.
Darktide One in the Chamber Penance
Fortunately for all of us, the most common interpretation is wrong. If you’ve been trying to kill 5 enemies with a single round of ammunition and finding it near impossible, you’re actually in luck.
The Penance actually only needs the player to kill an enemy with the last round in a clip, 5 times, in a single match. So, as long as you kill 5 targets with the final round of 5 separate clips, you’ll earn this unlock.
With that done and dusted, you will gain access to the Dead-Eye’s Duty Uniform, a set of black tacti-cool trousers, perfectly suited for the rough and tumble of Tertium’s dark streets.
This Penance is for the Sharpshooter, but there are plenty more available, after all, there are four Classes to choose from, each with their own unique challenges.
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