Avatar: The Game Features

Interview: We speak with Avatar: The Game’s Lead Scriptwriter Kevin Shortt about working with James Cameron, storytelling and more. (PC)
Three years ago during pre-production on Avatar, Kevin Shortt and his scriptwriting colleagues were presented with one hell of a daunting task. Take the verdant moon of Pandora, which has been throbbing away inside the fertile brainpan of visionary director James Cameron for the last ten years or so and script a 15 hour third-person action adventure game from it. And with people already...

Preview: To Na'vi or not to Na'vi? (PS3)
Inspired by the forthcoming movie that’s being touted as a potentially groundbreaking stride in bringing proper immersive 3D to multiplexes, comes a game that isn’t even remotely groundbreaking in any way. That’s not to say that it’s looking bad - far from it. Let’s just say that it all looks very familiar indeed. A third-person action game...