Cities: Skylines Summary
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Fans suggest Building Lights in Cities: Skylines 2 may be excessively Bright during Daytime

One cause for the brightness of Cities: Skylines 2's building lights could be the beta build used to record the footage we're currently seeing.
Player Brings Tetris to Cities: Skylines in Stop Motion Blockbuster Fusion

One comment describes the Tetris stop motion clip as "another ridiculously different way to play Cities: Skylines."
Cities: Skylines 2 Gameplay footage "does not have the finished spawn-in mechanics for buildings," devs confirm

Some buildings in Cities: Skylines 2 will, however, still be "constructed immediately."
Cities: Skylines Unveils Final Expansion and Content Creator Packs Due in May

Cities: Skylines - Hotels & Retreats lets you construct luxury accommodations and tourist attractions, while the three final content creator packs add even more buildings you can place around your cities.