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Grow Up is Ubisoft’s follow-up to Grow Home

Grow Up is Ubisoft’s follow-up to Grow Home

In between their triple A titles, Ubisoft took the time to announce a follow-up to their delightful indie-style platformer, Grow Home.

Ubisoft's quirky climbing platformer Grow Home is out now

Ubisoft's quirky climbing platformer Grow Home is out now

Ubisoft's latest quirky downloadable title, the procedurally animated, physics-based platformer Grow Home, is available now. Much like Valiant Hearts and Child of Light, the game is a passion project developed by a small team in between their work on Ubisoft's triple-A heavy-hitters.

Ubisoft announces procedurally animated platformer Grow Home

Ubisoft announces procedurally animated platformer Grow Home

Ubisoft Reflections, an eight-person team working out of the UK, has announced Grow Home, a procedurally animated climbing game starring BUD the Botanical Utility Droid. BUD must travel through a series of floating islands, shaping the world around him as he clambers to the top of a towering space plant in order to get back to his ship.

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