NieR: Automata Mods

Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update
General Mods 1 226 Feb 08, 2025
Graphic Mods 6 93 Dec 07, 2024
All Mods 7 319 4.77 MB Dec 07, 2024

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Not sure which mods to try out? Check our list of Best NieR: Automata Mods

Latest mods

NA Partial LOD Fix Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 5 years ago

This NieR: Automata mod fixes the LOD/pop-in issues with the game.

Clean Reshade Preset Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 5 years ago

This NieR: Automata mod is a reshade preset that aims to make the image appear crisp and clean.

NierYorha ReShade Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 5 years ago
  • 1 download

This Nier: Automata mod is a reshade preset that aims to improve the games color, lighting, HDR and sharpness.

DS4 Button Prompts Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

If you've been trying to play on a PlayStation Dual Shock 4 controller, you may have noticed that the game quite annoyingly has no button prompts for DS4 controllers in the mapping menu or in-game. Instead, Xbox controller prompts are all you'll see. This mod has arrived to lend a hand. It offers DS4 button prompts wherever they should appear, allowing you more acccuracy in your mapping and play.

FPS Uncapper

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Is there anything as annoying as an artificial frame rate cap? For those of us with machines to handle the flow, it's unnecessary, so here's a little something to get rid of that pesky cap in NieR: Automata. With it, you'll be able to push NieR past 60 FPS without the artificial limiter to hold you back from it. Take note: This mod requires the FAR (Fix Automata Resolution) graphics mod featured in our mod list as it was build upon it.

FAR (Fix Automata Resolution)

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

As usual, NieR: Automata has a lot of settings that may not have been optimized for PC play, so this mod takes aim at addressing as many of them as possible. At it's core, it reworks how the game handles Resolution, God Rays and Bloom Effect settings in the game. By optimizing these settings, it makes the effects in NieR look better and reduces the amount of work your system has to do to utilize them. If utilizing the ReShade mod we posted, it's recommended that you install this first, then reinstall ReShade. That said, pirates beware! This mod has a built-in check that will lock you out of Nier: Automata if you pirated the game.

NieR: ReShade

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

As the NieR: Automata mod scene begins to open up, this is a great place to start. This ReShade preset boosts luma, vibrance and clarity to both sharpen and give a lush quality to a great deal of visual aspects in the game. The preset is built towards visual style while balancing performance, so you won't see much if any of a frame rate drop for using it. With it, you can enjoy a brighter, more vibrant world in NieR: Automata without paying a price.