Anthem today kicked off the first round of testing for its upcoming Icetide seasonal event. Testing takes part on a PTS (Public Test Server) that will be available only for a limited time.
To gain access to the Anthem Icetide PTS and get a glimpse at what the seasonal event, you’ll have to either own Anthem on PC or be subscribed to Origin Access. The PTS is not available on consoles.
Anthem Icetide Seasonal Event PTS
The Icetide seasonal event will cover Anthem’s jungle in snow, but its changes aren’t solely cosmetic. The PTS lets players tackle and complete the new Tyrant Mine Stronghold. The stronghold will come with “timers, score multipliers, Inversions, and leaderboards”, requiring players to play tactically in order to maximize the number of Crystals earned, which can be exchanged for “unique winter-themed rewards.
Freeplay will also get new activities as part of the Icetide seasonal event. Those joining in on the PTS action will find “more encounters with outlaws, localized Snow Globe Storms to take on””, as well as a brand new “Freelancer Time Trial”.
The Anthem Icetide seasonal event PTS will be live starting today, November 8, and until November 11. You’ll find info on how to get started in the announcement post on the publisher’s website.
Icetide follows Anthem’s Halloween-themed seasonal event called Season of Skulls. Anthem is out now on PC, Xbox One and PS4.