Borderlands 3 is, according to latest info, going to have an Apex Legends ping system, or something of the type, at least. This is phenomenal news for the introverts among us, as it will streamline and ease in-game communication across the board.
Better yet, the new contextual ping feature has even been demonstrated by Gearbox, showing just how simple yet useful it will be in practical, moment-to-moment gameplay. It will reduce the need for typing out messages and allow unwilling players to participate in socialising without overtly doing so.
From what we've seen - check out the video below - the Borderlands 3 ping feature will be even simpler than is the case with Apex Legends' iteration of the system. A single-button will contextually pinpoint whatever it is that you want to bring attention to, at a moment's notice.
Since its phenomenal pinging system was one of its best features, Apex Legends was hailed as an absolute game-changer in this regard, and now that developers have figured out that this is a great feature to have, we can only hope that more games adopt it across the board.
In other related news, Borderlands 3 is also an Epic Games Store exclusive release - for about 6 months or so - and it's going to have a rather robust selection of post-game content for added longevity!