Half-Life 2 Latest Downloads

Rebels: Source: Server Patch 1.05a

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 17 years ago
  • 1 download

Here is server patch version 1.05a for the Rebels: Source mod.

Hypercube: Source Boot Patch

  • [Patch]
  • Posted about 18 years ago

Hypercube: Source Boot Patch.

Empires Patch 1.05 Beta

  • [Patch]
  • Posted about 18 years ago
  • 1 download

Download this to update your client to the latest version (1.05 Beta). You must have installed 1.0 Beta Full before installing this (any patch from 1.01 to 1.031 installed on top will be correctly updated).

Beta 1.61 Client Upgrade Patch

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 18 years ago

This release addresses issues some clients have reported concerning crashes with beta 1.6.

Capture the Flag 1.41 Patch Server Side Only

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 18 years ago

Capture the Flag 1.41 Patch Server Side Only.

Half-Life 2 Independence Demo

  • [Demo]
  • Posted over 18 years ago

This release offers you a chance to play Chapter 2 of Independence, a mod for Half-Life 2.

Bundle Fix 1.1

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 19 years ago

Fixes sound stuttering, "A.I. Disabled" bug, problem with the elevators, "Node Graph" Bug and boosts the performance.

Half-Life 2 Demo (Steam Account Needed!)

  • [Demo]
  • Posted over 19 years ago
  • 1 download

This humongous demo "takes players through some of the early levels of the game and later transports them to the area of the game known as Ravenholm" but requires a Steam account to install.