Of course. Of course Napoleon makes an appearance in Assassin’s Creed Unity. With one of those hilarious responses fictional characters always give when they meet a famous face. “Wow, Napoleon?”
This new story trailer from Ubisoft reveals some of protagonist Arno’s privileged background, and introduces some famous faces; the Marquis de Sade and Maximilien Robespierre among them.
My favourite part of Assassin’s Creed stories is the way famous faces pop up to give you new ‘follow that chap’ quests - there’s an all-star historical cast here. As you’d expect there’s also a surfeit of stabbing, leaping and exploding, with Arno’s companion/love interest Elise seemingly acting as vengeance-fueled counterpoint to our hero’s idealism.
All in all it looks interesting. Hopefully the game’s more focused setting, by which I mean you’re stuck in Paris and not wandering around the bland American wilderness, will make for some better-paced storytelling.
Assassin’s Creed: Unity is out this November for PC and current-gen consoles.