Hearts of Iron 3 Latest Updates
Paradox Interactive CEO asks fans which classic Grand Strategy game they'd like to see remastered

Would you rather have a remaster of older Hearts of Iron games or are you more of a Europa Universalis fan?
Humble Paradox Bundle with over $200 "worth of awesome stuff"

Paradox Interactive and Humble Bundle have proposed a royal marriage and accepted an alliance as they bring us the Humble Paradox Bundle with over $200 in gaming goodness. War of the Roses, Magicka, Knights of Pen and Paper, Victoria II and more are just a few dollars away in this 'pay what you want' charity drive. Over $5.14 gets you Hearts of Iron III, Crusader Kings II and Impire.
Paradox dev diary looks at naval forces in Hearts of Iron IV, now operate in strategic areas

Naval fleets in Hearts of Iron IV are getting an overhaul and will now, it seems, act more like the air forces which operate in specific strategic areas. Fleets can still move from province to province, says the developer diary. We now get indicators to tell us how spread out our fleets are in an area, with Naval Doctrines having significant impact on their efficiency. Missions define exactly how they behave, and who they target.
Humble Origin Bundle closed at $10.5m, Humble Paradox Bundle live today

EA's Humble Origin Bundle drew to a close with a whopping $10.5 million raised for charitable causes, which included the Human Rights Campaign, Watsi, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and more. Over 2.1 million bundles sold. Now Paradox Interactive are announcing the Humble Paradox Bundle "will go live today," from 8 p.m. CEST (11 a.m. PDT). $125 gets you everything.
Paradox Interactive post "sneak teaser" video

Twenty-two seconds of cool looking logo is all we get in a quick fire teaser trailer from Paradox Interactive. There's nothing else provided so fans only have the logo to work off to fuel rampant speculation. The logo art itself features a bird, possibly a Raven, that's clutching a sword which has a snake wrapping around it biting itself - ouch. That's set against three quarters of a circular emblem.