Red Faction: Guerrilla Summary
Red Faction: Guerrilla Review
Volition’s latest Red Faction finally arrives on PC and brings its clout of mayhem and storms of Martian dust. (PC)
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Red Faction Re-Mars-tered Edition Release Date Revealed With Trailer

THQ Nordic has announced that the remastered edition of Red Faction Guerrilla will be released for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on 3rd July.
Red Faction No Longer Harmful To Youth Says Germany

Germany's Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien) have removed the now 10-year-old Red Faction from their 'index'.
Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition now available, fully embraces Steamworks

Nordic Games is now in charge of the Red Planet and they've been busy converting Red Faction: Guerrilla to Steamworks, which includes Achievements, leaderboards and no GFWL. The 'Steam Edition' also includes a DirectX 11 Render Backend, stripping out the once Vista-exclusive DirectX 10. The old tried and true DX9 remains "as fall back" to those who need it.
Nordic moves Red Faction: Guerilla over to Steamworks

Nordic Games has finally removed Games for Windows Live support from Red Faction: Guerrilla, moving the open world third-person shooter's online support over to Steamworks. That means full Steam Support, including multiplayer and matchmaking, Steam Achievements, voice chat options and leaderboards, as well as fully migrated save games.
Nordic Games to release collections for Darksiders and Red Faction

Both Darksiders and Red Faction are to receive their own 'Collection' editions where the entire series is bundled. Nordic Games bought the rights to the IPs from THQ, and these packs are to 'gauge the fans'. The Darksiders Collection and the Red Faction Collection will be releasing PC and PS3, with only Darksiders also hitting Xbox 360. There is no set date for either pack yet.