Yesterday, Blizzard released another animated short that explores the relationship between playable Overwatch characters Hanzo and Genji. The short is entitled ‘Dragons’ and focuses on the sons of the Shimada Clan and an event that changed their relationship forever.
This is the third animated short released by Blizzard in the last few months, with the others focusing on characters Widowmaker and Winston. A number of threads are also now active on Reddit as fans discuss the short in detail.
This video has released shortly after the end of Blizzard’s record-breaking open beta. Overwatch’s open beta broke a number of records, with over 9.7 million players participating in the beta across all platforms.
Overwatch will be releasing on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on 24th May, so we don’t have much longer to wait. We are looking forward to seeing more of these animated shorts, exploring the backstory of an already fantastic game.