The Evil Within 2 Latest Updates
The Evil Within 2 Gets Official First-Person Mode

Bethesda and Tango GameWorks have released an update that allows The Evil Within 2 to be played entirely like an FPS, or like Resident Evil 7.
The Evil Within 2 - How To Play In First Person Mode

Want to play Evil Within 2 like Resident Evil 7 or Bioshock? We quickly and easily guide you how to activate and play in first-person mode in The Evil Within 2!
The Evil Within 2 - Patch Notes - Patch 1.03

The Evil Within 2 is one of the best survival horrors in recent years, but it launched with some performance problems. We get you up to speed on Tango Gameworks' attempts to fix it.
Evil Within 2 Game Director Explains Why The AAA Survival Horror Is Disappearing

We spoke to John Johanas, Game Director of The Evil Within 2, and he told us why there aren't as many AAA Survival Horror games as there used to be.
The Evil Within 2 - Boss Battle Guide

How To Beat Every Boss Battle in The Evil Within 2! Warning, spoilers within! As well as Evil!