Download Firm Ground - Troops optimization Ver 1.02

Version 1.0 May 01 Version 1.01 May 02 Charge now works as intended (gives 3 AP). HornorBlade tweaked Version 1.02 May 03 Deployable Shields (originally overpowered to my thinking due to excessive protection) are no longer deployed but instead grant 15 bonus HP to the owner. Makes sense because AI troops now benefit from it too. Besides, no blocked routes any more. As many of you have seen ground combat has certain flaws, I tried to remove at least some of them What's done 1. Troops regenerate slowly at planets with infantry base. AND KEEP THEIR HEALTH 2. FusionCarbine fires 2 shots each dealing 10 points of Thermal damage. Range 2-5 makes it useless in close combat but allows to gain advantage over LaserRifle when opponents have no armor or get closer. 3. LaserPistol AP decreased to 2 to make it more useful in close combat. 4. DefensiveBattery fires 3 shots each worth 15 Physical damage. Range 1-20. Thus defenders get guaranteed advantage even against armored assault teams 5. TrexBattery does 10 physical damage x3 shots has a 2 turn cooldown and EffectRadius 1. 6. CombatKnife - 15 Physical damage, 2 AP. Getting close to your opponent isn't easy but once you are there - pierce him through. 7. KulrathiHonorblade - 26 damage, 4 AP, shredding effect 2. 2 hits should be enough to deal with opponents with average health of 50 and no armor. Or 40 and heavy armor. 8. DhornishChopper - 30 damage 5 AP. 9. PowerStaff - now costs 2 AP 10. LowBlow - 10 physical damage, 2 AP 11. Charge - grants 3 AP, cooldown 3, NO FREE MELEE attack. Seemed useless to take but now is a nice way to rush forward or get an extra shot 12. RocketLauncher - Nerfed damage to 30. 40 seems overpowered 13. RailRifle distance 1-7, makes more sense given the low damage. I haven't touched other skills as have no experience with them in combat yet. If you have ideas - feel free to share them. NOTE: Overwriting the included LocKit.txt file may lead to loosing some of other modded in-game descriptions (NOT FUNCTIONALITY)

Credits: stixon

File name Downloads Added
Firm 1 05 May 2015